

addtime:2022-06-20 click: 815


Valentina Corvi gives to Trinx Factory Team the first italian title of the season. The 17 year old won in Courmayeur the first Italian championship in short track among the junior. Great performance for Valentina, who outsprinted Jana Pallweber and Beatrice Fontana.
And this victory embellishes the Trinx Factory Team's first day in Aosta: in addition to the first place of the biker from Tirano, the Italian team reached two third place thanks to Giorgia Marchet and Fabio Bassignana (among the junior); fourth place for Gioele Bertolini and Eva Lechner (who raced with Centro Sportivo Esercito jersey), fifth position for Noemi Plankensteiner (in the photo with Valentina Corvi)eight for Filippo Agostinacchio and 14° for Andrea Colombo
 But the team's attention is already turned to Sunday 19 June, when the last round of the Italia Mtb Cup will be held in Courmayeur. In this circuit Trinx Factory Team athletes will have the task of defending the three leader jerseys won in the first six rounds by Gioele Bertolini, Giorgia Marchet and Valentina Corvi.

«We will be expected from a tough race, not too technical but in which the heat will affect the performance», confirms Filippo Agostinacchio19 year old from Aosta who knows the Courmayeur tracks very well. «The route measures four kilometers and develops inside the Dolonne wood. The difference in height for each lap will be 224 meters and, probably, the selection will be made only in the final».

How difficult are the last laps in Open races for the Under 23s?
 «From the juniors to the Under 23s there is a big step; it seems two different sports. What changes is not the duration of the race, but the pace you have to keep. Especially in the World Cup, the level is terrific».


For now, what is the balance of your first season among the under 23s?
«I am quite satisfied. I know I have to learn a lot and I am doing it. I’m getting better in terms of nutrition and quality of training. Aspects on which I have suffered in the past».

What would you like to improve within the end of the season?
«Now the main goal is to graduate. I’m attending the high school of applied sciences. The final exams start on Wednesday 22. I'm not very worried because I am doing well at school, but it is certainly a very important milestone for every boy of my age». 
 Waiting to see Filippo Agostinacchio struggling with his high school diploma, on Sunday the biker from Aosta will get on his bicycle at 2:30 pm together with Filippo Colombo (U23) and Gioele Bertolini (Elite). Before them (at 12:00) Giorgia Marchet, Eva Lechner, Noemi Plankensteiner and the junior Valentina Corvi will compete in the women's race. The first to try the track in Courmayeur will be the junior Fabio Bassignana, who is going to start at 10:30 am.